Report-back Seminar
3rd International Conference on Children Exposed to Domestic Violence cum
Post-conference Study Visit on Working with Child Victim in Domestic Violence
(May 9- 16, 2007; London, Ontario, Canada)
Witnessing Domestic Violence – A form of Child Abuse?
Ms. Wong Hiu Nga, Jeff
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Intervention of Children Exposed to Domestic Violence: Supporting the Child
Treatment Service for Children?
Guest Presenter: Ms. Vesta Pao, Clinical Psychologist ,Po Leung Kuk
Support Service for Family as a Whole - Visitation Centre
Ms. Chan Wai Ping, Bridget ,Po Leung Kuk
Restoring Parent Role after Domestic Violence
Supporting Woman Survivors as Mothers
Ms. Ho Yim Fan ,Caritas- Hong Kong
Abusers Intervention Programme - Caring Dads Program
Mr. Chan Moon Shing & Ms. Lee Wai Yee, Phyllis , Social Welfare Department
Prevention in Early Stage
The Fourth R(4R): A Universal School-based Program for Promoting Violence Prevention and Healthy Relationships
Ms. Ng Kwok Tung, Agnes, Hong Kong Christian Family Service Centre